Integrate with 3rd party asset detection solutions
TechExcel provide multiple options for you to integrate with 3rd party asset management systems. Synchronize all your assets discovered by these tools and utilize AssetWise to manage and associate assets to customers and employees.
Microsoft SCCM
Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager is a Windows product that enables administrators to manage the deployment and security of devices and applications across an enterprise
OCS Inventory NG
OCS Inventory is an open source solution that enables users to inventory IT assets. OCS includes the capability of deploying applications on computers according to search criteria. Agent-side IpDiscover makes it possible to discover the entirety of networked computers and devices.
FrontRange Discovery
FrontRange Discovery’s (formerly known as Centennial Discovery) unique hybrid audit technology ensures that, no matter where in the world IT assets are located, whether they are physical or virtual, or which platform they are running on, IT and business managers have immediate access to a full network inventory for the entire organization.